There is something so heavy on my heart and has been there for the past month or so while dealing with friends that are labeling themselves as extroverts and introverts.
I relate very well to the extrovert side, meaning I love to be around people, to be busy all the time, and to stay active. Saying this, I do have a couple days a month where I completely collapse and do nothing all day because I'm so overwhelmed with how busy I keep myself. This also means a lot of what I do is very intense and involved. I don't let go of people easily and I stay in contact with friends to the best of my ability while also trying to convince them to hang out with me.
Saying all of this, that's just one side of me.
I like to read, have quiet and meditating time, and in general I am not a loud person. Sometimes people really bother me and get under my skin and I can't really explain why I don't want to be around them. Suddenly according to that I'm an introvert.
See, that's what I don't like. Any time I read anything that's like, how to handle me, the extrovert/introvert, this is what I process: Do I like that people feel the need to explain what they're feeling, yes, go for it and spill out your guts. But please, do not tell me that I just have to deal with you either being in my face all the time or randomly having nothing to do with me. I don't think either of those are very healthy.
I'm looking at so many blogs where people are saying this is how I am, I'm sorry, that isn't going to change...but at least I'm explaining it right? I say no. You're hurting others and only taking half of the responsibility.
We are human, we are not always going to understand each other or ourselves.
There is growth to be had when you define yourself with one of these groups. I don't know about you, but when I hurt someone close to me, I feel awful and try to justify it. That's what I think all this labeling has become, a way to justify your actions. I think we are called to be bigger and better than that, to learn how to be in the middle of extrovert and introvert, but at the same time not lose who we are in that.
Maybe you're reading this and you totally hate me and I just don't understand you, but I think you need to be aware of the people closest to you that are having trouble understanding you and you are hurting.
I challenge you to not just sit and say this is who I am, but find balance in the middle. It's not just about you and what you think you are.