Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Ripple Affect.

Isn't it funny that the second we set goals for ourselves, or say we're going to do something, life just tends to "get in the way." I feel like I'm the opposite of most in this statement, and I'll give you an example: if I want to go to the gym on a certain day, I have to make sure I don't tell anyone I'm going. As soon as I tell someone I'm going I just don't want to go anymore...isn't that backwards from most? The majority of my friends say they tell someone they are going to have something to live up to rather than having no one to answer to. But it's like as soon as I say something, especially if it involves going and doing something that is challenging, I just don't want to. I think about how difficult going to the gym will be after/before work, and how tired I already am, and then the rest of the excuses I can think of burst through the flood gates and I end up not going and wishing I had.
Yesterday was very much like that for me. I set those three goals and by the end of the day I hadn't lived up to them, in fact I probably took some steps back. Why do we do this? Why is it that once we have a set goal in our mind life just gets harder. Then I realized, I'm challenging my normal day-to-day attitude that I'm comfortable in. I'm setting myself up to grow, and growing is not easy.
The thing that sparked this want to grow was my old church, The Oaks, and their topic "Ready, Set, Grow." It's a whole series about growing and how true growth only comes with God. I cannot get myself where I want to be on my own, but if I submit to God I can. Sadly I can't really attend The Oaks anymore because it's in Red Oak and I can't tell you the last Sunday I didn't work in the morning without asking off for an important reason. The great thing about the church is that they record their sermons, so any time you want to watch them you have access. So I decided to last night while Walker was sleeping, and it was completely different from a normal service. I took some good notes from it but the main thing was: Slow down and don't forget to build yourself up. If you know me fairly well, you know I can be my number one enemy. I'll pick myself apart and forget the good. Or, I can build myself so high in pride that when I fall I fall hard. I'm sure a good amount of people get this, it seems to be a common struggle among people I know.
We all just really need to slow the heck down, quit getting so wrapped up in things that aren't God. Yes God gave you that job, but once you forget that he did that and replace his importance that job doesn't seem to be as good as you remembered. For me I really need to sit back and be thankful. I'm not saying I won't give my all to school and work, but slowing down to me means not getting so wrapped up in the feelings that come. Anxiety comes with school and work for me, but if I don't let myself get stuck in it, I might actually be able to be the person I want to. Balance is key.

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