Saturday, March 8, 2014

Diet Fads.

Hey everyone!
A really cool thing has been happening this week! Instead of feeling like I'm forcing myself to be healthy, I feel like I'm just eating. To make that make sense if it doesn't, I used to really struggle when it came to cleaning up my diet, and this week has gotten much easier. I'm guessing that post that I did last really motivated me because it got so many views and in general I seemed to motivate others with it, which in turn motivates me!

There's something I really want to speak up about though, because whenever I see my friends/acquaintances start these things I always cringe a little. I'm going to apologize right now if I step on any toes or discourage anyone because that isn't my intent.

I absolutely loathe dieting "plans" that are supposed to get you where you want to be. I'm not going to sit here and name off all the ones that come to mind (believe me, there's a lot) but I hope you know what I'm talking about. Ones that focus solely on calorie intake and completely ignore the fact that you're eating some microwave meal full of processed junk and probably enough sodium for your whole day. But it tastes so good, I don't even realize I'm dieting! *cringe*

Or the ones that push shakes and promote the healthy effect they have. I'd much rather have fun by myself creating shakes from stuff I have around my place and get the same results than pay to have someone set up every little detail for me. But hey, that's me.

Oh, and let's not forget the magical 1,200 calorie intake limit. I mean, as long as you're staying under that you are completely fine and dandy (even if your meal has had fast food as a main meal) right?

*cringe cringe cringe*

I am NOT trying to get away from my last post, I am extremely positive whenever it comes to changing your body and I realize it takes a bunch of baby steps to get to the milestone you're wanting to reach. The thing that scares me whenever people announce they're doing this awesome new plan made by some company that pushes extreme weight loss is what happens after the plan is finished. Sure, you've lost a substantial amount of weight, but what happens when the 8 weeks or whatever are done and no one is there making it for you anymore? You aren't sent your meals anymore? Or you just realize how hungry you are from lacking your needed food for the day? Nine times out of ten, there's a binge. You eat a ton of food because you've been restricted for so long, and then hate yourself for doing it. You've fallen off the path and there's now no one there to tell you what to eat the next day.

I was extremely guilty of counting calories and eventually obsessing over them daily whenever I first wanted to lose weight. I honestly believe I would of lost it much faster if I just traded out one processed meal a day with a home cooked one.

If there's one thing I hope you get from this, is that it isn't the fad changing you, it's YOU. Why not make that a modification that you can keep up and you can alter to whatever works best for you rather than follow someone else's guidelines. Diet and fitness is personal.

This post is not one filled with hate, just a different kind of encouragement than the last. I am simply trying to say if you're new to losing weight with no idea of what to do, don't try a fad, because they're fads for a reason.

Try switching out one processed meal a day with a home cooked one. You really like some fast food's burger? Make your own with whole ingredients at home, I bet it'll even taste better. You really enjoy frozen meals? Get ingredients to make it at home and you can cut out a ridiculous amount of sodium that your body is just holding onto.

I honestly believe just switching out one meal day is the best way to do it when starting out. And there's fun along with a sense of accomplishment.

Just like I said in my last post, I am NOT perfect. I still enjoy cheat meals and some day it's just easier to microwave something. But in general I feel so much better on the days where I'm cooking at home and creating my own plan and my own goals.

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