Friday, November 7, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Days 6 & 7.

Day 6: I am thankful for my nanny job.
I'm not sure if I can really describe how this has gone for me, but I'm going to try. I started this job in October and I honestly wasn't sure what exactly to expect from the kids. It turns out that they're great, they're awesome with homework, they're independent (but still like to have someone to play with and talk to), and all around are really honest and kind. There have been bumps, but I'm really thankful that the family I work for hears me out and will even give advice for me. I have no doubt God led me to this family and I can't wait to see where the road goes and what experiences I'll have with them along the way!

Day 7: I am so incredibly thankful for my husband.
If I was doing these thanks in order from what's first on my mind you would have seen Walker on the  very first post. I'm trying to go day by day and really pull thanks from each day specifically. Today just so happens to be two years since Walker asked me out on a date. I can't believe that two years ago this was all just beginning. Things with me and Walker aren't always perfect, we fight and struggle and sometimes push each other away. But we also love each other, fight for each other, and take care of one another through the hard times. I'm thankful we don't communicate in the same ways (you better believe I'll be looking at this as a reminder for when things get tough haha) because that challenges us into learning more about ourselves and each other. We're young and our lives are not settled, but even last night I found myself telling him it is so good to have someone here, a constant in a very fast paced life. We're still figuring this whole marriage thing out, and we probably will be for the rest of our lives. I'm just thankful I've got this awesome man that's willing to grow and learn with me.

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