Friday, November 22, 2013

The Name Above All Names.

The past two days have been pretty rough. We had the viewing for my grandfather Wednesday then the funeral on Thursday. I will say that at the viewing my grandpa looked better than I had seen him in a very long time, and he looked peaceful. In the end that was a really great experience not only to see him looking so good, but also to be surrounded by family, the only people that can really understand the pain and hurt that we were all feeling.

The funeral was a really great tribute to him. The priest came and asked all of us for traits of grandpa and it was really cool to listen and realize almost all of them are in my mama, and her siblings. He raised some of the best people in my life. He left a piece of him in each of them.

Today I go back to work which I'm actually ready for. I feel like I've gotten most of the closure that I need, and now what will be good for me is to get back into the swing of normal life.

Rest in peace Grandpa, we love you dearly.

Mark 8:22-38

Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

Jesus took this man and spit on his eyes and touched (sounds like a weird way of healing, right?) and he could see, but it was blurry. So Jesus repeated his steps and then he could see. Afterwards he told the man to not even go back into the village.

You have to really think about the message here: in the first time Jesus still worked a miracle, the man could technically see, but he went back and perfected it. The man wasn't angry when the first time didn't turn out as he hoped, he was patient and trusted Jesus. That's something we have to do as well. We all have tough times in our lives, and then sometimes it feels better but not really...and we get complacent with what we have when maybe it's just the first step in the process of growing or betterness. Stay good-natured, good things are coming.

Peter Declares that Jesus is the Messiah

In this Jesus asks what others refer to him as and they all answer with other people's answers, but Jesus asks who he is to them. Peter says Messiah. Jesus wants us to have that belief in Him directly from us as well. I'm sure people grow weary of hearing all the things Jesus is called if they don't have a relationship with him, but I think once you're saved you realize you have your Savior, your everything. He is the name above all names. You can't help but shout it out. But in this day and age Jesus asked them to remain quiet about him.

Jesus Predicts His Death

Could you imagine sitting there and hearing Jesus forsee his own death. How terrifying would it be to have the source of your strength tell you he's going to die. I honestly think I would do the same as Peter, pull Jesus to the side and at least question him and be bothered by this. But Jesus returns that to Peter, even going so far as calling him Satan. "...'You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely of human concerns.'" Part of Mark 8:33.

Take a second and think of what God worries about? He worries about us when we struggle with sin we know for sure, but do you think he wants us to worry about our daily lives as much as we all do? We are not aligning ourselves with God in those moments, but with the world.

The Way of the Cross

"'For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and the gospel will save it.'" Mark 8:35. In this Jesus is talking to a crowd about being a disciple and a follower of Christ. You must deny yourself, which is so very hard because...well...we've been ourselves for a long time. But I know for myself, I like the person I am aligned with Jesus more than focused on my own personal life. Being a Christian is more than quoting Bible verses here and there. You live it. Your life changes. You have a real hope and belief that this is all for something, and then you have a purpose driven life. It's rewarding and extremely difficult, but no matter what remain thankful for the chances and life you are given.

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