Yesterday compared to Monday was a huge day in improvement. I worked (super early I might add, 5:45AM-2:15 PM), came home and made lunch/dinner, spent time with God, worked out harder than I had in a long time, and then I came home and passed out completely haha. I got a total of 11-12 hours of sleep last night, I think my mind needed it badly. Yesterday I realized in almost every aspect of my life I struggle with finding balance. In most of the things I do I either give/push/help too little or too much. What is the middle, and how do I stay there?
Mark 3:1-19
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Again, I don't practice the Sabbath. Like I said last time, all I really know if it is it's supposed to be a day of rest, and on this day and time Jesus had to choose whether to heal a man's shriveled hands or not. He asked around the room asking those who were in there what would be wrong and what would be right, to heal or to not heal on the Sabbath? "He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, 'Stretch out your hand.' He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored." Mark 3:5. Of course it is right to help others first, no matter what day it is, but we like rest. We like to be lazy, and so whenever someone asks for someone on "our" days it comes off as a bothersome. Jesus set the example to always help people, but this is where we also see that that Pharisees and Herodians plotted to kill him afterwards.
Crowds Follow Jesus
Jesus had demands and requests from all over asking for healing in many ways. His only request to them was to not tell what he had done. To me, I see that as a humbling thing, and also a true test to the people he cured as well. I imagine it would be so hard to be restored and then have to keep quiet about it, but at the same time, if it's the only request you have from your healer (especially if you owe him your life) you would have to realize how little of a job that is compared to what He did for you.
Jesus Appoints the Twelve
This is pretty cool to me to read. We get to read about Jesus handpicking his disciples, the people that would take on his job and then find people to take theirs after Jesus died. We also learn about Judas, the one who betrays him. That's all we really get, but to be told that before it even happens is almost a reality check to whoever is reading it.
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