Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Apartment Post!

So if you read the title correctly..or follow me on facebook, instagram, twitter, etc., or maybe you remember from my last blog that we were moving into a new place May 3rd (kudos to you...and slightly creepy of you for remembering :p) WE GOT A NEW APARTMENT!

What a week it has been though! Wednesday I was feeling extremely sick, so much so that I went to the doctor, which I haven't done in a very long time. Turns out I had an upper respiratory infection or something like that, all I know is the doctor told me it could turn into strep and it was good I came in that day. Unfortunately that meant missing two days of work, and with higher rent now I can't really afford that, so I picked up a shift for the Sunday after we moved in. Monday I had a final in one class and then went to finish Lord of the Rings in the other. Yes, my World Lit class was spent studying LOTR and I'm very okay with that. Then today Walker and I went to the old apartment to clean it, and I ended up laying on the ground with my face in a pillow because I was (and still am) 100% over this moving process. I just want to sleep a full day and watch House, is that too much to ask?

But, let me go over the more awesome things that have happened while moving! We had a ton of friends and family come help move us in which we are both incredibly grateful for. We now have almost double the square footage we had in our old place so in general things just feel better if that makes sense. Our apartment also came with a washer and dryer...we did 3 loads in the first day, partially from excitement and also from not wanting to use the community ones any longer haha! Things in this apartment are nicer, and I think without the studio apartment we might not of appreciated how nice this place really is. I don't regret that apartment, but I don't recommend it either :p

Oh, and Rocky and Minnie absolutely love it. Minnie was very skeptical at first but loves having the doorstops to play with, and Rocky loves ignoring us at the bark park while he sniffs everything else. The clubhouse has a gym in it and Walker said he would go with me once or twice a week to it and I've already held him to his word and made him go once. We also got our first dining table today, $50 from Goodwill for a table that can be extended and it came with 4 chairs, we did pretty good huh?!

It's just nice to come home to something nice. It makes working 40 hours a week much more worth it. 

I feel like Walker and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to goals, and we have a lot. Here's a peak into them:
  • get stuff together for the wedding (flowers, cake, invitations, etc.)
  • save money like nobody's business
  • possibly get a couch, but that'll probably take a while
  • keep this place clean (having to go back and clean the old one reeeally sucked because we didn't take good enough care of it)
  • and most importantly, grow in our relationship with God both individually and as a couple
Okay,after typing them out it doesn't seem like a ton, but they're all pretty big commitments that we want to take. So say some prayers for us to follow through with these things, and let us know if you want to come over and see the place..maybe wait a while so we can build our energy back up though :p

Also, I need some recipes. I have a few good ones but I'm always down to try something new. We love pretty much anything, except I loathe seafood.

Thanks for reading :)