Friday, November 7, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Days 6 & 7.

Day 6: I am thankful for my nanny job.
I'm not sure if I can really describe how this has gone for me, but I'm going to try. I started this job in October and I honestly wasn't sure what exactly to expect from the kids. It turns out that they're great, they're awesome with homework, they're independent (but still like to have someone to play with and talk to), and all around are really honest and kind. There have been bumps, but I'm really thankful that the family I work for hears me out and will even give advice for me. I have no doubt God led me to this family and I can't wait to see where the road goes and what experiences I'll have with them along the way!

Day 7: I am so incredibly thankful for my husband.
If I was doing these thanks in order from what's first on my mind you would have seen Walker on the  very first post. I'm trying to go day by day and really pull thanks from each day specifically. Today just so happens to be two years since Walker asked me out on a date. I can't believe that two years ago this was all just beginning. Things with me and Walker aren't always perfect, we fight and struggle and sometimes push each other away. But we also love each other, fight for each other, and take care of one another through the hard times. I'm thankful we don't communicate in the same ways (you better believe I'll be looking at this as a reminder for when things get tough haha) because that challenges us into learning more about ourselves and each other. We're young and our lives are not settled, but even last night I found myself telling him it is so good to have someone here, a constant in a very fast paced life. We're still figuring this whole marriage thing out, and we probably will be for the rest of our lives. I'm just thankful I've got this awesome man that's willing to grow and learn with me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

30 Days of Thanks: Days 4-5

Day 4: I am thankful for YouTube.
I should probably back this up a little, right? I've been at home with pink eye the past 3 days (finallly able to go back to work today) so I've been bored as heck. I find myself watching YouTube videos most of the time, and I just love it. I love that it can range from fitness videos, to comedy, to beauty, and to personal vlogs. It's a really cool creation for people to share parts of themselves and be who they really are. That's what I like most about it, mostly everyone I watch has a really unique personality and YouTube allows them to show it.

Day 5: I am thankful for being able to work.
As I get ready for work this morning I'm eager to go. October was very crazy and up and down for me job wise. Then when it returns to normal I catch pink eye for the first time. This whole year has been hard on me health wise, which I think I mentioned when I said I was thankful for CareNow, but it wasn't up until right now that I really had the want to go back to work quickly. I am so glad to be able to go and make money and be surrounded by good people. I think I needed something like what happened in October to remind me of how good I have it, while still trying something new that has gone really well (HEB and nannying). So here we go back today, my eye is still pink, but I'm no longer contagious. Finally I can do something with my day!

Monday, November 3, 2014

30 Days of Thanks. Days 1-3

I've really missed blogging. I have quite a few ideas but all the topics are really deep and meaningful to me. I've started to type them out and it just didn't look right and I don't want to publish something that I don't feel confident in. What I've decided to do instead is do the 30 days of thanks I see every year on facebook. People post daily thanks, big or small, and explain why they're grateful for them. I'm assuming it started this month because of thanksgiving, I'm not really sure, but I thought it'd be nice for me to do this. Today is the 3rd of November so I'll be covering 3 days in this one post.

November 1st: I am thankful for my mom.
On Saturday I went to my mom's to see her and a couple of her friends she's had for years. She's always there for me, and when I say always I mean it. For a long time she was my rock, and I'm still learning to transition that more into depending on Jesus and Walker, but it's good to know that she is there for me. She isn't girly and doesn't understand some of the things I do or like, but she encourages my actions if she feels they are right for me. For that I cannot be thankful enough. Thank you for allowing me to grow and become who I need to, I hope when I have a child they can depend on me as much as I do on you. I love you mama.

November 2nd: I am thankful for CareNow.
Sounds really weird, huh? But really, I went there so many times this past year because of sickness, my hamstring, and now pink eye. Without the easiness of getting in and out of the doctor I'd probably be lost with setting up an actual appointment somewhere. It's fairly quick, even though I've had some pretty long wait times, I understand why and what they do.

November 3rd: I am thankful for a personal God.
This is something that I've learned through the past few months. I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with God. Usually I write out my feelings, prayers, really anything I feel I need to get out, and then I just talk to God about them. I'm thankful for a God that knows I struggle with anxiety, but offers peace. God knows me inside and out, Even when I mess up again and again He is still there, and that is the most reassuring fact I have ever known. I'm glad to know that I have a relationship with God and He wants that relationship to be as great as I want it to be.

I don't know how often I'll do these, daily seems a little much posting wise, but I will cover every day. Thank you for reading!