Monday, December 2, 2013

Receiving Your Sight.

Hi know, the maybe  or 3 that actually read this religiously :p
First off, I have to brag about how cute my cat is..
She's started hiding in my dresser drawers and falling asleep. One time I accidentally closed a drawer with her in it and heard her meowing 10 or 15 minutes later while I was in the bath. She's just too cute, and I think for Christmas we may invest in a little cat bed, I have a feeling she'd use the heck out of it.

Today has been good, I took it easy this morning, went to class, then registered for next semester (only for them to schedule me for a history I've already taken...), then came home and did laundry. Oh, I also made a crockpot meal. I'd link the recipe but it's on Walker's laptop, but basically it's pizza in the crock pot. I think the layers of it go: ground meat (I used lean turkey), pasta (I used mini whole grain penne), mozzarella cheese (I put enough to cover the pasta), a can of cream of mushroom soup, onion powder (it calls for an actual onion, but Walker and I both hate the "crunch" of an onion so we always substitute), more cheese, 2 jars of pasta sauce (my absolute FAVORITE is a blend of tomato and alfredo that is made by HEB), more cheese (if you're wondering I used an 8oz bag..I spread it pretty thin), then pepporoni's. It cooked on low for 4 hours. I hate eating dinner late, and it wouldn't be ready until 7:30 so I just made a sandwich. Tomorrow I'll actually try it and I'm sure I'll let you know how awesome it was :)

This week is kind of weird food/working out wise. I didn't do too great last week so I've really got to work on portioning and counting calories just to get back on track. And making time to work out is crucial for sure. I plan on going to the gym Wednesday and Thursday, and I'm typing it out now to hold myself accountable!

Mark 10:32-52

Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time

Can you imagine hearing this from one of your leaders? The best I can relate this to for my modern life is my boss, and just how weird would it be to hear them say something in that manner. I don't even like to hear  them tell me they're transferring to another store. I feel like I would be so scared of the future and what was going to happen.

But why? You know already what's going to happen. Jesus told you. For me my life is changing constantly, so for something to be constant in it and to know it was actually going to happen could be somewhat reassuring. I'm not saying I wouldn't be upset in their position, but I'm saying the worry that comes along with it really shouldn't exist. The future is set and you know it, don't worry about it but instead prepare for it.

The Request of James and John

"'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as ransom for many.'" Mark 10:45

James and John ask Jesus to be at His side in glory as their request. Jesus stops them, and shares the reality of he unimportance of that. That is a title, a stance, and if that's all that you care about then you are not serving correctly.

We shouldn't work for a title, but for God and His plan for ourselves. If we work for that diligently then we will be in those spots by earning them. I feel like that's much more rewarding than just getting the spot because someone liked you.

It's almost like at work/school when you see someone kissing up and getting something you don't think they deserve. How often do they stay in that position and thrive? If something isn't worked for then the reward is not real to them.

Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

The best way I can analyze this in the modern times is this: we don't see Jesus like people in this time of the Bible. We are living our lives blindly before being saved. Then whenever you are introduced to Jesus and it clicks, I mean it really clicks and you're saved then you see. "'Go,' said Jesus, 'your faith has healed you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.'" Mark 10:52

We are like Bartimaeus in the lives we live today. We have to be given vision, real vision that lets us see Jesus and what he can do for us.

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