Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Journey Through Galatians: Chapter 5.

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been keeping up with my daily reading, I just haven't had time to come back here and post. It's nice though, coming back on what I've read recently and getting to revisit it again. Every time I read the Bible I find something new or look at something in a new way, it almost challenges me to look more for what God has to say to me.

Also, today is my 20th birthday! No big plans today, the past 3 days I've been going going going it feels like so definitely getting some much needed rest in before I return to work today.

Galatians 5

Freedom in Christ

These verses (1-12) are really fantastic. They remind you that you are in fact, free. Anyone/anything that makes you feel weighted down, or overfull, is not what God wanted for your life and to be tricked into stress by these things is foolish. And as a good reminder, your actions speak louder than words and titles.

Life by the Spirit

This is so great, basically covering the basic things you learn in elementary, treat others how you want to be treated. But it goes so much more into it, reminding us that we were put on this earth to love and support each other. Without that, we also have a gift of being able to tear each other apart. Not really a gift, but ability I guess.

In this, we are also retold that we cannot simply do whatever we want. That will lead to our demise and unhappiness. Let's be real, when we make our own impatient decisions, how often do they turn out fantastically?

And finally, it compares what actions of the flesh give vs. actions of following the law give. The differences make it a very obvious choice as to what we should want to do, but if only it was that easy every day to follow so strictly in that.

The awesome thing about all of this is God forgives, and growth is possible.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

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