Monday, November 25, 2013

Everything is Possible.

Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been really wrapped up in what's going on around me lately. I know I would of handled it all better if I had actually spent time with God, but when I'm in the midst of my anger I just want to be angry and regret it later. That's something I really really need to work on.

Every month around the same time I take a picture of my stomach and body to see where I'm at physically. November has been really great diet and exercise wise, I feel that I'm finally back on track with this stuff and it's so wonderful. I know there isn't much of a change, but I've lost the 3 or so pounds I gained over the past couple of months/weeks and emotionally I'm feeling healthier too. I'm sure you've noticed November has many more blog posts than the past months, meaning more time with God, and I know that has a huge part to deal with this progress.

I had someone ask me if I am on a diet the other day, and I get so bothered when asked that. Then I get looked down upon when I say I watch what I eat because according to them I'm already skinny. That's the thing about fitness and eating right, you aren't doing it to get skinny, but to be healthy and change your lifestyle. I then got my phone out and showed people how much weight I've lost (about 50 or so pounds) and from one of the people I got the response "Well people just need to take me as I am." I back that statement up just as much, but isn't it funny that the person that said that is the one who gave me a judgmental look about watching what I eat. Take me as I am. 

I don't do this for others, I do it for me and my family I have and will have in the future. I want my kids to grow up in this lifestyle so it's the norm for them, and they don't have to worry as much about losing their parents early to a heart disease or something that could of been prevented.

It's just so irritating sometimes, but in the end I feel it is my purpose to show others it's possible and help them if they want it.

Mark 9:1-29

The Transfiguration

I can only imagine how beautiful it was to see Jesus basically glow in front of them, and to see Moses and Elijah appear. It says they were in shock, and even more so when a cloud came over and told them to listen to Jesus, and I'm assuming that the voice was God. I think this is so so so cool, so much glory and proof right in front of them. They also get told about the Son of Man being risen from the dead and this confused them, but still they listened to Jesus.

I think what's important in this is when Jesus says "...'Why then is is it written that Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected?...'" We all have a role in life, just like Jesus. Everyone is created to serve God in a different way, and pain is a big part of that sometimes. But from pain comes growth and hope, as an example, without Jesus we would not be forgiven for our sins as easily. Search for hope in the pain, and get ready for growth in it.

Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit

"'If you can?' said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.'Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.'" Mark 9:23-24.

Everything is possible for one who believes. Anything you think can't be done can be with Jesus. Any anticipation you have for your life can happen if you allow Jesus to be first and help you get there. Miracles happen, change happens, everything happens with Jesus. All we simply have to do is believe, but that is so so hard sometimes. Our minds can only fathom what we know, but what we know is nothing in comparison to what He knows. 

If there's anything I want you to take from this it's that real change happens with Jesus.

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